Inside each one of us there are huge battles going on. Battles that you wage with yourself. Most of them are the same old battles being fought over and over again. It’s not your fault, you are not alone and they will never go away. We have constructed a society full of fakes and since your genes were not consulted in this fake business, they haven’t adapted. If you haven’t caught the drift yet, this is the part I discuss why it’s not your fault. These battles don’t go away when we’re busy or engaged in other things. They will not leave simply because you travelled or made a few more coins this week, they come with us. They’re always there, acting within us. They govern much of our behaviour whether we acknowledge it or not. It’s in silence and solitude that we’re more likely to notice them and to make some peaceful resolutions.
You see, there’s an image of who you are that people have constructed in their heads. You and I know that’s not who you are. That’s the profile that the different people have decided to file in their heads. For example, maybe you are a whore but people think you are saved, who’s fault is that? It is them that have filed the wrong profile in their heads. And before you start telling me ooohh, but why would you pretend to be saved in the first place.. Lol, shut the fuck up, everybody is pretending. Yes, I said it. You are pretending, I am pretending, our friends and relatives are just a huge herd of pretenders. How many people do you secretly hate but pretend to like when you are with them? The dark desires you can’t let the public know or the private issues in your life that you fight so hard to hide? When you spend time in silence and solitude you’ll notice these battles going on within you.
Here’s the speech, the battles must be fought. It’s not your fault that people don’t know you, they’ll never truly know you, and that’s ok. Nobody truly knows anybody. All you have is profiles of people in your head shaped by your interactions with them. Most of which are very brief. THAT’S NOT WHO THEY ARE. That’s just the profile that your interactions with them has resulted into. You’ve taken tokens of these interactions, put them in a bracket and then named them. So far not bad. Problem is when the behaviours of these people fall outside your bracket, that’s the source of most feuds. You are surprised, perhaps feel betrayed, cheated and all that. Again, it’s not their fault that they are who they are, it is your fault for being rigid with your profile. Always be very willing to update people’s profiles in your head. Always know that the profile you have is not complete and never will be. Adjust the bracket and move on.
If you are going to take only one thing from this article, let it be this, that you never truly know anyone, the profile you have is always incomplete and there’s absolutely no reason to blame someone for your shitty profile of them, just update the damn thing and move on.
Every behaviour you have or has ever witnessed from somebody has an origin. Every. Single. One. And by default, any behaviour witnessed should be expected in the future. If for some reason you didn’t allow for recurrence of past behaviours, you are the fool. And if you don’t make people’s profiles flexible and easily updated, again, fool. If you are going to take only one thing from this article, let it be this; that you never truly know anyone, that the profile you have is always incomplete and there’s absolutely no reason to blame someone for your shitty profile of them, just update the damn thing and move on. It is because of such shitty profiles that people are living a lie out here. It is the reason we have unending battles within us, so we can fit your lazy, pathetic, exasperating, and useless profiles. Ok, let me stop shouting before I inconvenience your lousy, crappy, wretched… breath, KJ, breath.. Next paragraph.
Taking ownership of the part you play in these conflicts is the first step to true healing. You can make a persuasive case that all your troubles are the fault of others. You will convince some people. You might even convince yourself. Are your troubles now solved? The trouble will never go away unless you take some action, regardless of who you think caused it. Never allow yourself to be a victim of someone else’s close-mindedness. Life is hard, people come and go, you’ll feel betrayed, you’ll feel like there’s no way out.. it’s a lie, it’s all in your head. The things that happen to you are not you. Again, don’t be stuck in someone’s profile of you. If for example you got raped, don’t be a rape victim. Don’t let that one event define your entirety. If you lose someone close to you, and the longer you live the more you’ll lose – always remember that, don’t let that define you. Do not be a widow or widower or orphan, don’t let a single brief event define your entire life. If you get divorced, if you lose a limb or even your eyesight, don’t be a victim. NEVER BE A VICTIM, get up move on.
Nice read!
Thanks 🙏🏽
I enjoyed the read…1st time here n am reading them all. Amazing thoughts
Glad you are here, your feedback is highly appreciated 🙏🏿
Nimelearn the best time to make up your mind about people is NEVER😁
True 👌🏾
An amazing article.Bravo.It really speaks to me
Thanks 🙏🏿